December 2021

And the word was made flesh and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. John 1:14 

He is truly the reason for the season. Thanks for your faithfulness to Him. It is truly my privilege to be your pastor. 

Our recent Missions Conference was a great encouragement. We were reacquainted with some long-serving foreign missionaries and were able to see and hear how God has been blessing their ministries. Their preaching both inspired and convicted us to witness to the lost in our own “Jerusalem”. It is an honor and a privilege to support such faithful missionaries with our prayers and our funds. 

A special thank you to all the ladies who worked so hard to feed our missionary families and our men dur-ing the Missions Conference. Your labor of love does not go unnoticed! 

An enjoyable time was had during the Thanksgiving pie fellowship. We have so many things to be thankful for as Christians here at TVBC. God has been so very good to us. Enjoy the Holiday season and continue to be thankful. 

To avoid getting spiritually cold during the winter months, we have planned the arrival of some special preachers. 

In January, we welcome Evangelist and Musician, Mark Rogers. Then in February, 

our own Brad Wells, Pastor and Missionary to Washington, D.C., will preach to us. 

We look forward to Spring, with a Bible Conference and Banquet in March. Our speakers will be our own Treasure Valley Baptist Church native, Spencer Baker (now Pastor and Missionary to Hawaii). We will also welcome hearing from Pastor Randy King from Wisconsin. 

Be sure to take the opportunities to witness for Christ afforded to us by the Christmas season, a season when even the spiritually careless will sometimes turn their attention to the things of God.

Your Pastor and Friend, 

Rick DeMichele