The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved.
Jeremiah 8:20
In our last VISION (Summer 2023) we anticipated a Summer of Fruitfulness through encouragement from Proverbs 11:30
The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.
God faithfully blessed our church’s ramped up efforts to win souls through the public and one-on-one efforts of our people, structured and unstructured opportunities alike.
There was an extraordinary effort of our combined youth groups at the Meridian Dairy Days Parade. Thurs-day evening door-to-door soulwinning, Saturday morning canvassing and bus visitation all saw increased par-ticipation as the Lord of the harvest blessed with precious souls saved.
Salvation Sunday on July 2 during our Summer Conference saw two adults come to Christ in the morning and evening services.
Street ministry flourished with record numbers of soldiers of the cross hitting the streets of Boise on Friday evenings and Saturday mornings with street preaching, singing and tract distribution.
The Boise fourth of July and September 9 gay pride parades were infiltrated with special forces tract distrib-utors led by street and campus evangelist Shawn Holes.
What shall I say more of College & Career’s August canvassing of B.S.U. campus, along with the ongoing faithful B.S.U. campus outreach of Bro. Daniel Beck and fellow laborers.
The every day efforts of individuals to win others around them to Christ whether at work, the neighborhood, or anywhere else the will of God took them all each day was evident. Many are the testimonies of those won to Christ by those personal workers on soul patrol in their every day lives.
So, you may be thinking: Why the gloomy text from Jeremiah 8 after so much encouraging news? It’s simple. There’s always more to do, more lost souls to be won. And, it seems as fishers of men, the fishing just keeps getting better the more lawless and chaotic our world becomes.
The Lord’s return is soon, so let’s keep steady in the occupation of ambassadors for Christ representing a crucified and risen savior.
Your Pastor and Friend

Rick DeMichele